Message from the US and Kenyan Boards

We would like to thank all of our church families and individual donors who make Providence Children’s Home successful. The Boards are made up of volunteers who meet regularly as the governing body for the ministry. God has always provided during our time of need. We have just completed the budget process for 2024. With new government regulations and out of control inflation in Kenya, we have had to increase our budget by almost 25%. Many girls are now entering college and just food alone has doubled in some cases. This is true in the U.S., but it is much more dramatic in Kenya. The poor in Kenya are suffering and starving once again. It is a sad situation. We pledge to you, our donors, that we will be good stewards of your generous gifts.

The Boards recently met and drafted what we call our healthy markers. These core principles guide all of our decisions:

Each decision shall...
●Seek God’s guidance in faith and reflect our Christian values.
●Foster healthy relationships with our communities.
● Demonstrate good stewardship of the resources God has provided.
● Cultivate a healing, restorative, and nurturing environment for the children we serve.

●Eneza (promote) excellence to glorify God.
●Enhance the sustainability of the organization


Providence Kenya