School Report
Girls in the month of April transitioned into new classes. We thank God for seeing the girls through a whole academic year which ended in March 2022. Three of our PCH youngest girls are in Pre-Primary 2 (PP2). Kenya primary students take a national exam (KCPE) each year. Our girls did us proud with exemplary performance both at school and home. Girls graduating from high school also take national exams (KCSE) to determine their placement opportunities for higher level education.
Stella was the only KCSE candidate. She has decided to pursue studies in tourism at Maasai Training Technical Institute. Stella believes that with the passion she has for tourism, she will be able to thrive. She was admitted and now she is fully settled in, ready to embark on her college life. She is enthusiastic about it and we wish her the best.
Damaris, Esther, Edina, Sharleen, Vivian and Irene are entering form four (12th Grade) and will take their national examinations at the end of the year. They are committed and hardworking. We are optimistic that they will be enrolled into universities. We are giving them all the extra support they need to make their dreams a reality.
College Girls
Our college girls are doing very well. Purity is hardworking and acknowledges that service to humanity is service to God. During her attachments (internships), she worked with a local children’s home where she demonstrated giving back to society. She appreciates her donors and sponsors for how far she has come and what she has been able to achieve to date. Shantel, Edinah and Hazel are also doing very well. Esther, who is a third-year college student, is on break until the end of August and will return to complete her four-year degree.
Beatrice secured a placement in a county school with a score of 386/500.
Alicia emerged the top student at the Joram G. Academy with a score of 405/500. She secured a placement at a national school (Moi Girls High School).
Helen and Bridgit did well and scored 348/500 and 346/500 respectively. They will attend the Gitugi Girls High School.