
Providence Children’s Home, DBA Providence Ministries Inc., is a nonprofit organization registered with the US government as a 501(c)3 under tax ID #1-630898562-7. Administrative expenses are covered by donations made from members of the Board of Directors. 100% of gifts given by donors go directly for the benefit of the orphans, development of the campus in Kenya, or the clinic operation.

If you wish to make a pledge, click the donate link that will take you to PayPal where you can identify a specific need you want to donate to and choose make a recurring monthly pledge. Specific needs for Providence Children’s Home are explained below. You do not need to have a PayPal account, you can choose to pay through debit or credit card through the same link.


Monthly Orphan Support

Make a recurring donation for the on going living expenses for the girls living in Ebenezer and Rehoboth Homes. Help provide for all the food, clothing, and activity needs for the girls

Miscellaneous Donations

Make a one-time donation for an undesignated expense or activity. The PCH organization includes the orphanage, Joram Gitau Memorial Academy, and the health clinic.


3rd Orphanage home

Completion of the third orphanage home will be $150,000. This will allow PCH to grow and accept more children who need a nurturing and caring home to grow up in.

Operational Needs

College and Vocation Fund