Holiday Activities at the Home
This holiday, the girls were able to participate in some relaxing and enriching skills and activities. The holiday period began with a baking session. The girls were able to make chocolate drizzled donuts from scratch. They really love snacks, cooking and colorful treats. We cooked donuts in each house, with the girls separated into different groups. The older girls made the dough and handled the frying. The younger girls were amazing in shape cutting and drizzling on the sprinkles.
The challenge of working as a team and the patience of waiting
before eating the tasty treats was a splendor to watch. This activity was a great new experience for them. We structured the activity so they could reflect on working with their gifts and learning to be patient in the process of waiting for something good. They were so happy and grateful to be able to have such wonderful moments and special snacks.
Susan Mumbi and Mercy Faith shaping the donuts
Vivian, Purity, Nossim coating the donuts