Hand Skills
It is never dull during school breaks and holidays. That is when our girls learn and practice different hand skills. They are able to cook, farm, make mats, and even make beautiful pieces of bead work. These skills not only generate income, but they engage their minds during leisure time. Farm work has remained one of the best activities that the girls participate in. The girls raise rabbits as a food source and are responsible for feeding them and cleaning their cages. Anzazi is not only good in academics, but her passion for beadwork is exemplary. She dedicated her time during half term to make beautiful napkin and key holders.
Music remains the main source of entertainment for our PCH girls during the holidays. Anyone who has visited PCH can attest that our girls are brilliant music performers, having mastered many songs. They jump at any opportunity they get to share their musical talents. Our girls perform at many local churches and civic events which have gained them notoriety in our community. They learn new songs fast, play guitars, and dance.
Azanzi Beadwork
Mary Excited About Harvest