A Farewell Message to Our U.S. Executive Director, Larry Watson
Anyone who has been a part of our ministry knows Larry Watson, U.S. Executive Director. Larry was one of the founders of Providence Children’s Home in 2002. If not for Larry’s generosity and leadership, PCH would not exist today. Larry stepped out in faith and pursued his calling to this ministry at great risk. One of the principles that he lives his life by and frequently quotes is that “one can never outgive God”. You are right Larry, and as a result you have been a faithful servant of God and role model for us to follow.
Larry has been retired for some time now and is now called to spend more time with his beautiful wife Brenda, who has also given so much of her life in encouraging and supporting Larry’s PCH involvement. The time and passion he has put into this ministry is exemplary. Bill Corrette will be stepping in as interim U.S. Executive Director and Larry will mentor him along the way as he has mentored so many of us on the U.S. and Kenya Boards. Larry may be officially retiring from PCH, but will be present as his time allows. Larry, we all love you and we wish you the best. You will always be a part of this ministry and an example for all of us to follow!!!
Larry Watson & Kenyan Board