Faith and Resilience, Vivian’s Story

Despite the physical setback that Vivian faced on October 14, 2022 she has remained determined to achieve her goals. Vivian turned 19 years old on December 12th and insisted on completed her final secondary education exams (KCSE) from her hospital bed.

Vivian was rescued in 2009 after a physical assault by her mother. Attempts have been made to track down any relatives without success. The school building (not LGMA) collapse left her paralyzed and in a wheel chair. She was in her Kiswahili School classroom when a sudden strong wind ripped off the roof and collapsed the stone walls onto her body. She was rescued and rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. She was later transferred to the national referral hospital (Kenyatta National Hospital) after she was medically able to do so. An MRI report indicated that she suffered a spinal injury and the doctors recommended that she be transferred to a rehabilitation center where she is currently receiving physiotherapy services. The PCH fraternity visit her daily to offer moral support and prayers. All we can say is that it has taken the hand of God to see Vivian through this tough situation.

Vivian has made some progress after numerous physiotherapy sessions. The doctors initially said she would never walk again. God had a different diagnosis. Vivian is now able to take some limited steps, which can only be the Lords doing. Sometimes she feels discouraged and wonders if she will ever stand on her two feet again. She still keeps our spirits high when she is smiling and she ends up making our visits fun.

We give a big THANK YOU to the Washington Church in Toledo, Ohio who raised $13,000 during their Christmas offering for the current and future care of Vivian. Thank you for recognizing this need and generously responding. It will be a tough road ahead for Vivian, but she will be well taken care of and will receive the best therapy available so she can achieve her dreams thanks to your support. May God bless you abundantly!!!

Providence Kenya