Visitors to PCH

Toward the end of the year we had multiple visits from the PCEA Enomatasia Women’s Guild, Ngong Bakers Community, and former PCH colleagues who visited to reconnect with the girls. The group from Enomatasia Women’s Group (included the Social Responsibility Group) sat with the girls and interacted with them like grandparents would their own grandchildren. They expressed to our girls that they are blessed to be in a home with people who take good care of them. They emphasized the importance of education and working hard in school. They expressed that these opportunities are valuable and when they use the resources well, they will be capable of being independent and will make a difference in our world.

We also had former colleagues of PCH visit including Topister (former Social Worker), Betty (former Social Worker) and Patricia (former House Manager) to name a few. They visited with their families and interacted with the girls. They communicated to the girls that life outside the PCH walls is not easy, and it requires hard work in order to make it. They also emphasized the importance of education in forging a bright future. Considering that the girls’ education is so graciously paid for by our U.S. donors, the girls recommitted to taking their studies seriously and using it as a tool to build their future success. Additionally, they shared on the importance of respect for others and self-respect.

This was an unusual and amazing Christmas season for the PCH family with so many visitors and gifts. The Ngong Bakers Community with about thirteen members showered us with to seven large cakes. Every year they select a Children’s Home and bless them with baked gifts. It is a tradition they uphold, and this year they chose to share this gift with PCH. The girls so much cake during the Christmas holiday and loved every bite of it. We even joked that for the upcoming birthday we should have salad in order to cleanse the system of all that sweets.

Providence Kenya