Holiday Baking Activity
During the December holiday we had a number of activities to help create a fun-filled and educational environment for the girls. One of the activities we did as a family was to bake and decorate a marble cake. We used the new Community Centre as our base of operation. We had two stations set for each house with equal quantity of ingredients. The house mothers from each house supported the girls as the recipe list was placed at a central position to guide the baking process. All girls were involved with different preparations so that they could all actively participate during the various stages. We used cooking pots in a double heating method to bake and a jiko (charcoal burner) as our oven. It was the first time most girls were using the charcoal burner for anything. They learned how to light it using fallen twigs and leaves, then placed the charcoal and fanned it under adult supervision. We made a total of 10 kilograms of cake, with each house having 5 kilograms of each; enough for everyone. They also got to whip cream and layered the cake, adorned it with left over sprinkles from the last time we made donuts. For a first time, or cake was moist, sweet and evenly baked. Cynthia, who has long left PCH and now has a bakery business would have been proud of us. We really enjoyed the eating part.