This year, three of our girls graduated from Eldoret Technical Training Institute. Purity Nakhanu and Hellen Hazel graduated with a distinction in social work and community development. Abigael Chepkosgei graduated with a certificate in hair dressing and beauty. We are so proud to share that our girls were very committed to their education and through your support and care, they have completed and excelled in their studies. We continue to pray and believe that their professional progress will be smooth, that they will be role models in their careers, and empower other girls to follow in the their foot steps.
We also had Jackline Konini, one of our most recent admitted girls, graduate from PP2 to grade 1. She is a testimony to what PCH is doing in these young lady’s lives. Having just completed close to one year at Providence Children’s Home, Jackline’s literacy skills, basic mathematics and her confidence and self-esteem has significantly improved. Prior to coming to PCH, she was responsible for the care of livestock and an early marriage was eminent. Currently, she is a lively student who loves singing and excels at her school work because she is a quick study and a girl with a sharp mind. What a difference one year at PCH has made for her! She will surely continue to prosper here.
Abigael Chepkosgei and her son, Purity Nakhanu and Hellen Hazel at their graduation ceremony