"Giving Thanks Again", Message from Dr. Stephen Githumbi, Executive Director

The end of a matter is always better than it’s beginning. That was at least true concerning COVID. We can finally breath without masks. God spared us fatalities both among our PCH girls and staff. We thank Jehovah Rapha who protected our children.


There is another matter that has also ended well. The general elections, which put all Kenyan’s on edge, end without violence. The past three elections were particularly violent. People lost their lives, homes were torched, railway lines uprooted, businesses looted, as mayhem and anarchy reigned. But this year 9th August came and passed peacefully.


At PCH, we are grateful for the provisions our donors have made possible, food, shelter, education, medical care, clothing, textbooks, computers, and the list continues. From the words of a famous gospel song, “Count your blessings; name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done”. We are now back in our normal routines and cannot thank God enough for the peaceful end to the election process. Together with our donors we celebrate the life transformations that take place here at Providence Children’s Home. God bless you for the sacrifices you make on behalf of these very needy children.

Providence Kenya