Director's Message, Dr. Stephen Githumbi

Three months after leaving Egypt in freedom, they got to Mt Sinai. God tells Moses, I have brought these people to myself (Ex 16:1-5). In addition, God gave them the law, a covenant and land. It is so easy to pursue the things that god gives, and yet the greatest gift of all is fellowshipping with Him and worshiping Him. At PCH, apart from many things enjoyed by the children, we recognize the greatest of gifts is our Savior Jesus Christ who has taught us to love one another regardless of nationality, race, tribe or gender. Our children gather daily to learn from the scriptures about this God who has touched so many people to give generously for our girls’ education, medical care, food, and shelter. Thank you to our donors and sponsors for the sacrifices you make to give our children a chance in life which they otherwise would not have.

Providence Kenya