December Holiday
Birthday Party
As is our custom here, we celebrate birthdays for our girls during April, August and December. This December holiday was exceptional. We had Birthday cake for fifteen girls. They were grateful and really enjoyed their special time. We say thank you so much for everyone who made this possible
Christmas Party
Thank you to our wonderful donors who gave to our Christmas Wish List. We celebrated Christmas with a big party. The girls always receive a new dress, shoes and a personalized wrapped gift. This year they also received a teddy bear or doll and a fresh new blanket for their bed. New indoor and outdoor games and books will be purchased with the extra money provided from the Christmas Wish List. We feel so blessed because many children in Kenya did not receive anything for Christmas this year due to the poor economic conditions created by the pandemic. All the PCH staff were able to have a celebration meal together with these funds. We thank you and wish you all a happy and prosperous new year.
Showing off new dresses and shoes from Christmas.
New teddy bears for Christmas.
Farewell Party
The girls and entire staff had to say farewell to a person we all love and admire. She is even well known and loved by all the mission groups who come here. Topister Tabani has served for five years as our PCH Social Worker and is moving to be closer to her family as she takes on a new job there. She is a classy lady who is known for dress fashion and the unique ways she related to the girls. We had a farewell party for her and celebrated her contribution to PCH. We are very grateful for the service she provided with such passion and dedication. You will be missed Topister and we wish you the best of luck in your new endeavor.
Topister, we wish you the best. You will be missed.